A short history of the wallet
Date of addition: Jan. 27, 2021, 8:16 a.m.A wallet is an item that each of us uses every day. We carry in it not only cash, but also payment cards, documents or photos of our loved ones. It turns out that the history of this object is longer than it might seem on the surface. Where did the wallet as we know it today come from?
Data and financial protection in your pocket
Date of addition: Jan. 19, 2022, 4:04 p.m.How many times during the day do you reach into your pocket in search of your wallet? Do you then wonder if your money is safe? In this day and age, the digital and real worlds intermingle, and the technology around us is advancing at an unprecedented rate, creating both new opportunities and dangers. Most people do not think about the dangers of data loss on a daily basis. Of course, there are sometimes situations …
Pularys - what exactly is it?
Date of addition: Sept. 29, 2022, 12:01 p.m.''Bring my popsicle!'' - that's the kind of request you might still hear from grandma or grandpa in some regions of Poland. So what is a pularysek? . Pularys, pulares or pugilares - all these names, despite sounding slightly different, have one meaning. It is an old term for potfel, which used to function in the dialect of Warsaw, Podkarpacie and Małopolska. Today, it is much less common, although it can still be heard from …